Zero-Day Insights

What You Don't Know About Zero-Day Attacks...

Zero-Day is a term that the security industry strives to accomplish when discussing the ability to identify and prevent a security attack or breach immediately. This is a far cry from the current industry average of 207 days. 

If fact, since IBM started tracking this mean-time-to-identify (MTTI) across the industry seven years ago, the average time has only decreased by a total of 4 days on average. What this amounts to is a bad actor having the equivalent time to loiter and dwell within an infrastructure from January 1st to July 26th. The problem stems from the fact that the security industry grew up on the concept of managing security by aggregating attack signatures when determined to be malicious. With almost one million variations of malware released per day and only 450k of those actually being cataloged and identified as malicious, it’s no wonder 207 days is the average MTTI.

In order to understand how to deliver a solution to this problem, you must first understand what actions and variables a bad actor can leverage to gain success for their nefarious actions. When there is an exploited vulnerability, a bad actor really only has two options 1) snoop around and try to exfiltrate data or 2) add, modify, or delete something to either create a new vulnerability or negatively impact operations.

A New Way to Approach Zero-Day Attacks

A paradigm shift needs to occur where we look at the problem through a different lens. Whether the security vulnerability resulted from human error, a software supply chain issue, or simply not operating in a hardened state — a common denominator for identifying a breach is through the deployment and operation of integrity management controls and workflow. By operating a closed-loop process for managing all known and expected changes introduced into an operating environment, security professionals can instantaneously identify and highlight everything unknown, unauthorized, and unexpected. These unknown changes can only result from a circumvented process, or they are malicious in nature. 

How CimTrak Can Help

The CimTrak Integrity Suite can drive the 207 days down to mere seconds and minutes... ZERO DAY. It accomplishes this by managing the workflow and detecting change across your infrastructure in real-time, and reconciling each change with an authorized work order. This automated process of managing from a trusted state will then highlight and provide a distinction of malicious activity or circumvented change... in ZERO DAYS.

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