New CimTrak Features

See what's new in the latest version of the CimTrak Integrity Suite

Cisco Meraki

The new, first-of-its-kind, Cisco Meraki Module for CimTrak empowers organizations to monitor and be alerted for changes made on Cisco Meraki devices, providing unparalleled visibility and control over configurations.

Port Monitoring

Define justified ports and receive notifications when new ports are opened. CimTrak will also identify which program opened the port to better understand the source of the potential threat.


By integrating the HITRUST CSF into the CimTrak Integrity Suite, organizations can now simplify compliance efforts, save time, and ensure the effective safeguarding of sensitive data. 

Trusted File Registry - Smart FIM Technology

TFR is a database of digital signatures for OS and patch files allowing organizations to easily detect and document IT infrastructure changes while reducing false positives and saving time. 

True IT Change Reconciliation

Comprehensive security management capabilities, including ticketing integration and authoritative baseline creation. This update empowers security professionals to prioritize critical changes and differentiate between beneficial and potentially harmful modifications across servers, active directory settings, firewalls, routers, and more.