SIEMs are only as good as the information that is fed into them. Typically known for their excess number of false positives and the endless streams of alerts, SIEMs have traditionally lacked integrity inputs and the value associated with this type of data.
Integrity alerts are binary and contain no false positives. If a configuration changed, a port opened up, or unknown software was added to a system, it did in fact happen without question.
Detect change to the attributes of any member entity or configuration
Compare the entity's attributes to the entity's previous configuration or trusted state
Roll-back and restore a previous configurations and baselines when necessary
As more and more companies deploy Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), IT and security personnel often ask what’s the difference between CimTrak and leading SIEM providers.
A few examples of how traditional SIEM tools would not detect or identify a problem resulting from malicious change(s) without a CimTrak integration in place:
Impact: When the threat actor made changes to the host file—there are no built-in Windows Events that could be sent to a SIEM to alert on this action and no ability to roll back or compare the change.
Impact: When the threat actor deleted important spreadsheets off the network drive hosted on the SAN server, no built-in FIM exists on the SAN to send alerts to a SIEM about this.
Impact: When the threat actor modifies stored procedures or other schema/configuration in MSSQL—these are not reported to a SIEM.
Impact: When the threat actor adds a zero-day attack file, no AV will alert to your SIEM about it because it's not considered a threat yet or "known".
NOTE: SIEMs do not generate or create log data - it only collects logs from external sources such as CimTrak which detects changes and reports forensics to a SIEM.