HIPAA Compliance

How CimTrak Helps With HIPAA Compliance

Continuous Visibility and Control of Configuration Management in Real-Time

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Prevent and grant access rights for change to mitigate the risk of security breaches and incidents.

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Enforce technical policies and procedures for electronic information systems and maintain HIPAA security and compliance 

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With a complete audit trail of all changes, know the moment a file is changed. Implement security measures to ensure complete HIPAA compliance.

HIPAA Compliance with CimTrak

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) discusses certain safeguards that covered entities should implement to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of protected health information (PHI).

The HIPAA Security Rule contains five technical safeguards that concern electronic protected health information (EPHI). The Act is silent on specific methods and technologies to implement in order to be HIPAA compliant, which leads many covered entities unsure of how to proceed.

Through its advanced continuous configuration monitoring, CimTrak helps with the HIPAA compliance process and helps meet several HIPAA integrity controls.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services does offer guidance on how to comply with each of the standards. NIST Special Publication 800-66 is also helpful, especially for governmental agencies that must comply with HIPAA. The purpose of the standards is simple, however: restrict protected health information to those who need to know it, and ensure the integrity of that information.New Call-to-action

CimTrak Helps Meet the Following Integrity Controls Under HIPAA:

§164.306(a) (1)

General Requirements

§164.308(a) (1)(i)

Security Management Process

§164.308(a) (1)(ii)(B)

Security Management Process - Risk Management

§164.308(a) (1)(ii)(D)

Security Management Process - Information System Activity Review

§164.308(a) (5)(ii)(B)

Security Awareness, Training, and Tools-Protection from Malicious Software

§164.308(a) (6)(ii)

Security Incident Procedures - Response and Reporting

§164.308(a) (7)(ii)(B)

Contingency Plan - Disaster Recovery Plan

§164.312(a) (1)

Access Control


Audit Controls

§164.312(c) (1)


§164.312(c) (2)

Integrity - Mechanism to Authenticate ePHI

§164.312(e) (2)(i)

Transmission Security - Integrity Controls

Achieve Continuous HIPAA Compliance

After initially achieving HIPAA compliance, how do you continuously maintain that compliance? CimTrak not only helps you gain compliance with several HIPAA Technical Safeguards but also ensures you stay that way. As an added benefit, CimTrak protects your other business-critical applications, manages critical configurations, and keeps your information secure.

Improve Cyber Resiliency and Cyber Hygiene

CimTrak’s cutting-edge remediation capabilities allow you to detect and respond to changes instantly, without any human intervention. This ensures that your critical applications and information stay in a constant state of integrity, and most importantly, your business stays running.

CimTrak’s ability to provide an audit trail of all system changes as well as provide detailed forensic data on those changes allows you to closely monitor your critical systems and easily produce audit documentation.

Meet Your HIPAA
Security & Compliance Requirements

Learn how to secure your environment and stay compliant with CimTrak.